Best Forex Brokers 2025

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Are looking to speculate that Euro (EUR) will go up value against U.S. Dollar (USD)? To do so, you would trade (or place spread bet on) EUR/USD pair, which investment. The forex is largest and most liquid market in the world, representing every global currency with trading conducted 24 hours day, five days a week.

To trade forex, you need a reputable online broker. Trading with a trusted forex broker is a crucial factor for success in international currency markets. As a contract for difference (CFD) trader or forex investor, you may have specific needs related to which platform, trading tools, or research requirements you have. Understanding more about your investment style needs can help determine which forex broker will be best for you.

Each year, our team here at spends five months testing the biggest names in foreign exchange and assembles a guide to the best forex brokers for forex and CFDs trading. Here are our findings for 2022.

Best Forex Brokers for 2022
 *   IG - Best overall broker, most trusted
 *   Saxo Bank - Best web based trading platform
 *   CMC Markets - Excellent overall, best platform technology
 *   Interactive Brokers - Great overall, best for professionals
 *   TD Ameritrade FX - Best desktop platform, U.S. only
 * - Excellent all-round offering
 *   XTB - Great research and education
 *   City Index - Excellent all-round offering
 *   Swissquote - Trusted broker, best banking services

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