How to Hire Top PHP Developers

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 It’s the “P” in the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) technology stack. It can be found on the back end of a majority of websites. It’s PHP, the traditional language of choice for back-end web development. If you’re looking for a freelancer who can help you set up the back end of your website, a PHP developer can help.

So how do you find a PHP developer? What follows are some tips on how you can find top PHP developers on Upwork.

How to shortlist PHP development professionals

As you’re browsing available PHP development consultants, it can be helpful to develop a shortlist of the professionals you may want to interview. You can screen profiles on criteria such as:

·         Technology fit. You want a PHP developer who is familiar with the libraries and frameworks found in your technology stack.

·         Developer workflow. Familiarity with any project management tools, test suites, or version control systems that you use is a plus.

·         Feedback. Check reviews from past clients for glowing testimonials or red flags that can tell you what it’s like to work with a particular PHP developer.

How to write an effective PHP development job post

What are your project requirements? Do you already have an existing app and are looking to add new features that require updated back-end support? That would be an entirely different scope than a few customizations to a WordPress site. Or, maybe you need a PHP developer for an extended engagement to make a series of updates. It all boils down to what you need, the experience required, and how quickly you need it done.

The key here is writing a clear, detailed project description that potential developers can review to decide if their skills and experience are a good match, or if the project is one that interests them. Although you don’t need a full job description as you would when hiring an employee, aim to provide enough detail for a contractor to know if they’re the right fit for the project.

An effective PHP development job post should include:

*    Scope of work: From unit tests to new features, list all the deliverables you’ll need.
*    Project length: Your job post should indicate whether this is a smaller or larger project.
*    Background: If you prefer experience working with certain industries, software, or technologies, mention this here.
*    Budget: Set a budget and note your preference for hourly rates vs. fixed-price contracts.

What is a PHP developer?

A PHP developer is simply a back-end developer who is experienced in using the PHP programming language, so they’re often simply called “back-end engineers.” They’re able to take a client’s specifications and turn them into a workable, tangible product that runs on a web server. PHP developers code the functionality that brings an app to life. Collaborating with designers, they ensure that the front-end application is appealing to users. You may find that some PHP developers have front-end design skills, but oftentimes, they work with UI and UX designers to create a user interface that’s engaging and supported by solid back-end functionality.

Here’s a quick overview of the skills you should look for in PHP development professionals:

*    PHP frameworks such as Laravel, CakePHP, and Zend
*    Database technologies such as MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL
*   Web servers such as Apache and NGINX
*   Server OSs such as Linux and Windows
*   Web fundamentals such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
*   CMSs (content management systems) such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla

PHP development consultants help businesses create the business logic that powers their web applications behind the scenes.

Why hire PHP developers?

If your site is like a majority of those around the web running on Linux or WordPress, chances are you need a skilled PHP developer now and again to update and maintain your codebase. Or, if you’re starting from scratch, you might be considering the LAMP stack, putting this dynamic back-end language at the top of your list.

How much does it cost to hire a PHP developer?

A veteran PHP developer can help you estimate a budget pretty easily, as long as you provide as much detail as you can. Developers bidding on your project can get a better idea of what needs to be done and estimate far more accurately. Rates can vary due to many factors, including expertise and experience, location, and market conditions. Learn about the cost to hire a PHP developer.

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